Business Development Edge Selection Test


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Business Development Edge Selection Test

Test Instructions:

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Total Questions: 15

Total Marks: 15

Time: 25 minutes

Passing Criteria: 40%

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1 / 15

Selling involves two people

2 / 15

Which one is not foodtech company

3 / 15

What does BD stands for in sales

4 / 15

A salesperson is having the following target - INR 1Lac per month
He has 100 customers with him for closure
What is his Average ticket price per customer??

5 / 15

What do you think is a sales person job

6 / 15

A customer is asking 15% discount on overall deal value of 10,000 INR, so what is the discount value on 10,000

7 / 15

Identify Successful sales qualities

8 / 15

Before selling to others a sales person should be sold on to himself

9 / 15

What does KRA mean in sales

10 / 15

Which one is an edtech company

11 / 15

Which of this is a sales tool

12 / 15

Closing ratio and conversion ratio is 10%
If a salesperson is having 100 customers in pipeline then how many will get converted?

13 / 15

What does B2B stand for

14 / 15

What is NOT a successful salesperson quality

15 / 15

Which one is a sales CRM tool im market

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